Monday, October 19, 2015


We weighed anchor at 0750 and proceeded down the ICW.  The winds were out of the NE and very light, 5-8 kts.  Not even worth raising the sails.  We still enjoyed the cruise though.  There are lots of beautiful homes along the shore and lots of wildlife to sneak up on.  
Shortly after we left, I spotted movement on a sand bar.  Upon further investigation, we realized what we were seeing was a large group of Manatees, beached.  We couldn’t get real close, as it was out of the channel, but we could see through the binoculars Manatees flipping their tails and moving about, but not very much.  Ed thought it should be reported, we weren’t sure if this group was in distress or not.  We first contacted the Coast Guard, who advised us to call the Federal Wildlife Commission and gave us the phone number.  Shortly after talking to the phone dispatcher we received a phone call from a Manatee Marine Biologist.  She thought this was a mating issue. When a female goes “into heat”, many males gather around her and try to inseminate her.  When she gets tired, she beaches herself and the males get as close to her as possible, waiting for the fun to begin once more!  The things you see when in the wild….

The rest of the cruise down the waterway was uneventful and rather restful.
Under the Ringling Bridge, Sarasota, pretty!

Swing bridge, Sarasota
Beautiful homes
Marina Jacks, Sarasota
Neat architecture!
We tiptoed into the Pelican Bay passage and found our anchorage.  We were lucky enough to have a spot available almost exactly where we anchored earlier this year on our way North!  To our amazement, as we were inching our way around the previously anchored boats, there in the exact same spot as last spring was a catamaran we had anchored  next to last time!  S/V Our Destiny recognized us as well!  Funny how it can be a small ocean sometimes.
They live in Port Charlotte and left the following morning, so we didn’t have an opportunity to visit with them again.  Chances are we will meet up again someday.

S/V Our Destiny
We anchored and relaxed in the cockpit with cocktails, as a small group of Manatees swam by.  We love this anchorage!
Sunset over Pelican Bay

We took Li’l Bit out the next morning, instead of the kayaks since the wind was howling and the water was choppy. We went into the little creek where we saw lots of Manatees last  Spring. However none to be found that morning.  We went through Cayo Costa State Park and took a long walk on the gulf side and shelled.
A green can, misplaced.  DO NOT keep it between these navigational beacons! 
The next day was busy with brightwork.  We sanded and put a coat of fresh varnish on the cabin top rail.  As we worked, we observed several small (less than 16 ft) sailboats coming in the pass.  It was pretty windy out there, bet they had a great sail! We watched each one of them round the sandbar and beach up for the night.  We guessed it was a sailing club.
Small sailboat regatta
Saturday morning came and it was time to move on south, heading for Fort Myers Beach Mooring field.  We have been here several times in our travels and its a good place to stop for laundry, shopping and the security of being on a mooring ball.  Winds are predicted to be blowing 30-35 kts through Tuesday.  
On our way out, we passed Punta Blanca Island (aka "Ghost Island")

Sanibel Island Lighthouse

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