Friday, April 22, 2022

3/25/2022 Barnes Sound

We also usually go right through the Barnes Sound and Card Sound without stopping before heading North into Biscayne Bay.  In times past, the wind was always blowing hard as we pounded into it. The winds today however were out of the south and southwest, giving us a nice run through Jewfish Creek and across Barnes Sound. We had spotted a nice looking spot to anchor just north of the Card Sound Bridge but as we approached we realized underwater cable lines were in the vicinity and we just didn’t like the looks of the spot. So we turned around and found a great spot on the southeast side of the bridge. It was nicely tucked into the shoreline, away from the channel. The coastline offered great dinghy and/or kayak exploring opportunities.

We anchored here for a night and then found an even better looking spot the next day, around the corner outside Steamboat Creek. We decided to hang out here for a few days as we waited for a good weather window to go up the coast from Biscayne Bay to the St. Lucie Inlet. It would be much more enjoyable than hanging out by No Name Harbor.

      Ready to start our day of exploration

We brought our garbage bag, thinking we may be able to dispose of it at the kayak landing area. We came across a couple of garbage cans, strategically placed by a landing, along the side of Card Sound Rd. It’s pretty great for Monroe County to make available garbage cans like this, I hope it helps to keep people from littering.


There was even a great spot to pull a dinghy up!

We spent most of the morning in the dinghy, some parts were shallow enough to have to walk the dinghy through the skinny parts. We love having this hard shell dinghy rather than an inflatable, we would never be able to explore like we do with a boat that could pop if we ran it up again mangrove roots, oyster beds etc.

Since we were paddling and not using the motor, we were able to sneak up on this beautiful heron. He was way up the creek from us, but I had the telephoto lens on the camera and was able to catch a few shots of him before he realized we were there.

The mangrove shoreline 

Cormorants everywhere

From a distance it took us some time to figure out what this was in the trees. Can you tell? It was a highway cone, stuck on a tree branch, perhaps marking an obscure entrance to a small creek

Osprey with his dinner

The mangrove roots had a totally different plant growing from it under water, I was so amazed I had to get a picture. Nature is truly remarkable.

Frigate bird in flight, fishing

Back on Manatee and the rest of the day we just watched the magnificent skies.

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